Friday 19 April 2013

If you offer someone cheesecake …

You should maybe warn them if it is a SAVOURY Cheesecake. Where I am from, cheesecake is a sweet, decadent dessert. Period. You can have baked or non-baked; you can have plain cheesecake or fruity or chocolaty or caramelly goodness; you can then have a million options of cheesecake toppings.

Savoury cheesecake is not the norm for me.

So when someone offers me a piece of cheesecake, “Do you want a piece of cheesecake?” I assume dessert. I assume sweet. I assume NOT BLUE CHEESE.

This little bit of trickery, I truly believe, was not intentional. As the person who handed it to me left the room before I tried the cheesecake. The cheesecake was topped with Apricot jam. I saw the fruit and I thought, plain cheesecake topped with Apricot. Yum! WRONG. I barely got the first bite into my mouth when my taste buds took a football to the groin. I have been informed it’s still considered a dessert to which I say that’s a blatant lie!

I do not like blue cheese. I have never liked blue cheese. I often try things I don’t like periodically just to see if my taste buds have changed and sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t. Blue cheese is one of those items (along with mushrooms and green beans. I dunno why, but I still don’t like them) that I still do not like.

(Yes, I see the irony in my first "Snob-Free-Foodie" post that I am a blue cheese snob. hahaha) 

Devious Bastards!

Healthy Dessert Ideas

In my efforts to be healthy, and my desire for dessert, I have concocted a “Faux Banana Split”

One medium sized banana
One 100 g container of Danone Fat Free Vanilla Yogurt (Or any flavour that turns your crank)
7 crushed Raw Almonds

10 milk chocolate chips
4 tbs of Gay Lea Fat Free Whipped Cream

Approx 250 calories. ZERO guilt!

Another healthy idea for your sweet tooth:
Fat Free Vanilla Yogurt and Fruit Parfait

Approx 200 calories and ZERO guilt!!!

Checkout 51

Ok Iphone users, I have been using this new App called “Checkout 51”. I have been telling people about it briefly in passing, but was waiting until I got paid to see the whole start to finish process before I shouted from the roof tops.  
I downloaded Checkout 51 mid-December. It’s like coupons but no clipping or researching involved. Every Thursday they put up new “coupons” or “rebates” for the week. Every week has about ten different items. You look at Checkout 51 and see if any of the grocery items you have just purchased are on the list (The receipt has to be from within the week that the deal is on). If you have an item on the list, you use Checkout 51 to take a picture of your receipt (you don’t use your camera app, Checkout 51 prompts you to take a picture within the App itself.) Make sure to include the date and time or they won’t allow the receipt. Also you have to be able to read the barcode/item numbers clearly on the receipt.

You can claim for all ten if you like, the only thing is you can only claim one rebate per item per person. . Ex. If you decide to buy Cheerios and buy two boxes, you are only able to claim one box, but you can also claim for the Minute Maid juice. Only one of each item.


When you click on the side arrow on the right hand side of each item, it shows you the varities and the sizes that are acceptable. Ex. Honey Nut Cheerios ARE included in this rebate!

When you accumulate $20, you can request a cheque be sent to you.

I just received my first real cheque!!! I am so excited!! Overall, it was all it was VERY easy and nice not to have to mess around with coupons and such. I used Checkout 51 for two months and accumulated $20. I asked for the cheque last week and received it this week; a one-week turn around including snail mail delivery is pretty darned good. Check it out! Why not get back some of the money you spend on groceries?!?!?!

(I am not paid to endorse Checkout 51. These are solely my own thoughts and opinions.)


Thrifty Jes

At the end of December my beloved Adventures of a Garbage Picker was compromised, it made me angry so I left the blogging world for a while, I was unsure of whether or not I would continue blogging. It’s been almost two months and I miss blogging. Life is short. I decided to say Fuck Off, and I am back.
I enjoy blogging, I enjoy writing. I struggle to remember my grammar lessons from school, (Queen of the World’s Longest Sentences right here!) which is funny as I did really well in school in English, and I read a shit ton of books. (I chalk it up to me being an old woman; it’s been a while since my butt sat in a desk at school.) I like writing regardless. I write as I talk: I over share, I speak too fast and I have ideas flying every which way that may seem confusing but if you follow along closely there is “usually” a method to my madness. Oh and I feel that sometimes the English language does not have enough words to adequately describe my goings on, so I make words up. I love to add “-est” to words. It’s what I do.

If you are new to my blogging world: I love food.  I am trying to live a healthier lifestyle.  I am very frugal (who am I kidding, I am cheap as the day is long). I love a good deal.  I love coupons.  I love to Price Match.  I have a potty mouth (fucking deal with it).  I love to talk about poop.  I LOVE to play hockey (I may be terrible, but I love it regardless) and I LOVE my family.

Wonder what has been going on with me since December?
I have been struggling to be healthy. I bought Jillian Michael’s “Shred It with Weights” AND Killer Buns and Thighs.  That woman is the devil, but I love her. I got the working out down pat, but the healthy eating is hard.  (As I type this I have “lost 30 pounds.”) Seriously, world’s longest weight loss journey ever. (Are y’all tired of listen to me whine about this? I am!)
The rest of the time we:
§                We some good times with good friends

§                I finally took a picture of my & my sister's favourite tree covered in snow!

§                I Clue’d it up with some of my favourite peeps.
§         We played HOCKEY.  My awesome team won SILVER!
§                I actually shopped a bit for myself.

§                Our dog had another allergy flare up, so she ended up costing us another small fortune.

§                We watched Season 3 of Downton Abbey WHICH IS AMAZING. IF YOU AREN’T WATCHING IT, WHAT’s WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!

§                We watched Skyfall, man, I LOVE Daniel Craig.
§               We started getting TMN again so we caught up on Boardwalk Empire and have fallen in love with House of Lies and Girls.  Nurse Jackie started up this week which is awesome.  We also are addicted to Homeland.  (Not on TMN)

§                I am now madly addicted to The Biggest Loser. In previous seasons, I have never watched it. I became Jillian’s bitch from finding online testimonials about her DVDs. So I fell in love with her from her DVDs, this is the first year I have gotten to see Jillian in her true form. She is a scary bitch. But I love her. (And fear her.)

So that’s the latest in a nut shell. I will update when I can. It may be infrequent as I am hoping to be busy in the next few months, but I want to keep a record of it all while I am at it.