Wednesday 31 October 2012

Happy Hallowe'en!!!

As today is Hallowe’en I thought I would share my story of my creepy house.

I believe myself to be scientific minded and quite factual, and while I may have an overactive imagination when it comes to movies, I believe that when in a real life, odd situation, my first reaction is doubt and my second reaction is always to try and find a logical explanation.  To “debunk.”  Once I have eliminated all logical explanations, I am left with something unexplainable; believe what you may like, these unexplained events COULD be a result of something greater then what we know first hand.

Over the years, I have had a few experiences, not just in my house but also around other places.  While I have never seen a full-bodied apparition, I have seen odd shapes and shadows move without any other explanation, the oddest once being a thick, black mist that moved in front of me in an older warehouse.  However, my most frequent, unexplained events have occurred in my own house.

My husband and I purchased a character home back a few years ago.  It’s estimated to be about 90 years old.  During the first year we were there, we had the majority of our oddities.  We still have the occasional unexplained event but the majority of our experiences happened our first year.


Within the first few months, my husband and I were sleeping upstairs when my husband woke up to a hand pushing him on his back.  When he opened his eyes, he was facing me, so it wasn’t me trying to roll him over.  I suppose one could argue he was sleeping and dreamt it.  Fair enough, but he is adamant he felt a full hand press firmly against his middle back.  To add to that, he typically does not remember dreams and he sleeps like the dead.  As you read along, you will see this will not be the last time one of us was touched.

We adopted a cat and dog the winter we moved into our house.  The following spring, the events in our house seemed to escalate.  Now we would watch the cat and dog’s reactions to odd sounds.

One morning I was getting ready for work, my husband was already gone.  I was eating breakfast in the kitchen and the cat and dog were both with me.  I heard footsteps in the attic.  I know both the cat and dog heard it as well as they both were staring at the ceiling.  Armed with a meat tenderizer, I walked up to the attic and looked around.  There was nothing there.  People try to dismiss my claim by saying it must have been the house settling, or a squirrel on the roof.  This was not a standard creak.  This was a weighted footstep, it sounded like when my husband walks in the attic.

Our dog’s behaviour was odd.  She would repeatedly be laying in the living room and jump up and start barking at the ceiling in the foyer.  Both my husband and I would be sitting there and would get up and look around.  Perhaps she could hear mice, but we would stand there and not hear anything, even a human can hear a mouse in the wall.  Our dog also had a few incidents where she would be laying on our bed in our bedroom and she would jump up and start not only barking but also growling at the ceiling/wall.  My dog doesn’t typically growl.  Something spooked her.   Again we would investigate and we could not see or hear anything.

I will never forget, the afternoon of my birthday a few years back, I walked into the house/foyer and I was immediately hit with the scent of lemon, like a cleanser.  I hadn’t cleaned that day.  It was as if it was freshly sprayed.  I didn’t think much of it, I walked into the kitchen to put a few items away.  When I turned back and headed back into the foyer I smelt beer.  As if, I stuck my nose into a mug of beer.  My husband and I don’t drink, we don’t keep beer in the house.  That struck me as really odd, I then thought about the lemon smell.  Phantom smells can be associated with the paranormal.

The foyer in the house is immediately above our electrical box in the basement.  Above the foyer on the second story is the hallway (this bares on what I will mention next).  A few years ago, my husband bought me an EMF (Electronic Magnetic Fields) detector, the reader does not show numbers; it just shows low, medium or high.  The electrical box, the light switch in the foyer and the light switch in the upstairs hallway all give off a “high” reading, where as the rest of the house reads around low to medium.  High levels of EMF can cause feelings of paranoia, feelings that someone is watching you, nausea, headaches and other varying symptoms.  This could be a very logical explanation for what is happening in our house.  With that being said, there is also the theory of spirits and entities being able to utilize high levels of EMF to show themselves or to make their presence known.  They can harness the energy to make themselves stronger.

My basement, foyer and upstairs hallway always crept me out.  A few different guests told me that my basement is one of the creepiest basements they have ever been in, which is funny as it’s quite bright, clean and tidy.  It has brick walls, it’s not like it’s a decrepit, old hole in the ground.  It could very well be that these guests and I are just very sensitive to high EMFs which is very possible. Animals can be as well.  Animals in theory can also be very sensitive to entities.

As I mentioned earlier, we had another touching incident.  About a year ago, I was tapped, twice, on my shoulder while I was making the bed.  They were two very distinct taps, a large firm finger.  I turned around and nobody was there.  There was nothing on the wall behind me; in fact, I was about a foot away from the wall at the time.  I know I was touched by something and I cannot find a logical explanation for what.

After I was tapped on the shoulder, I had a conversation with the empty bedroom.  I said if there are spirits here, I don’t mind living with them.  I told them that I would prefer they did not show themselves to me but if they felt the need to do so that they do so when my husband was home and during the daytime.  I asked that they not watch me in the shower (I don’t know if they are pervy or not, but I thought I would request it anyways.)  I also asked if they were going to walk around and move things that they if they could also wait until my husband was home with me.  I don’t mind them there, I just don’t want them jumping out and spooking me.  I hope they are happy and not trapped. (If they are really ghosts, or else I was literally just talking to the empty room.)  I haven’t been touched since.

This past summer, I got super spooked one evening.  My husband was working on an afternoon shift, and I was digging in the fridge for a snack.  Right behind me, I heard a man’s voice.  “Hi! Hi!”  I turned around, bugged eyed.  It didn’t scare me per see, but I was like “WTF?”  When my husband got home he talked me into believing it was our crappy kitchen window; you can hear people talking on the street, and it must echo between our house and the neighbour’s house as our kitchen is in the back.  I am about 97% sure it was just somebody walking down the street but if I think about it for a long period of time, I start to doubt that theory.

We still hear hear the occasional odd sound, but thankfully, they are mostly in the daytime.   We do have an odd reoccurrence where our light bulbs are loosened in the light fixtures and lamps.  We tighten them back up and in a few months they are loosened again to the point that the lights flicker on and off.   Whenever something goes missing, we always say, “Maybe the ghost took it.”  I like to believe that if our house is actually haunted, it's a friendly spirit, who does not want to intentionally scare us.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Better Late Then Never - Weekend Recap - LAST weekend!

Last weekend was pretty relaxed with the exception of Saturday morning.

Friday evening we relaxed with a steak and roasted potatoes. We splurged and indulged in a few Hallowe'en treats from Bulk Barn, I had a coupon!

Saturday morning I woke up, my husband had to work, so I had scheduled a couple of appointments in the morning. 

I started off the morning doing my Ripped in 30, I am on week 3's workout and it is kicking my arse, my butt cheeks hurt, a lot.  I showered and headed off to a hair appointment.  I decided to cut all of my hair off and donate it.  I waited six months since my last hair cut to make sure I had enough hair.  I ended up with a 10 inch pony tail for a donation. Earlier this year my amazing cousin and my amazing aunt held a fundraiser event where they both cut off their hair to donate to cancer patient wigs and they raised funds for Ronald McDonald house. My cousin had leukaemia and has successfully kicked leukaemia's arse and they wanted to give back to Ronald McDonald house which had given so much to their family in their time if need.  I knew from watching my amazing cousin and his family's awesome event that when I cut my hair I wanted to also donate my hair. 
If you are from Niagara and are looking for an amazing hair stylist let me know, my stylist is AMAZING!

I am so happy to have my short hair back!  I have been growing my hair for the last three years and was getting so sick of my long hair.  I couldn't stand it touching my neck. I just tied it up all the time, I never styled it. I LOvE the short hair again!

Once I finished at the hair salon I raced home to grab my dog and head off to her vet appointment.  She has been suffering with a bad allergy flair up and I was unhappy with the old vet we were going to so I tried a new vet's office. So far I really like the new vet.  He really took time to listen to me, I felt at previous vet's office they didn't listen. I know I don't have a PHD but I know my dog and I live with her and see her symptoms. The new vet won me over as my dog took a stress poop in the examining room, I apologized profusely and he said "it's ok, the dog had to go". He then cleaned it up himself, he didn't get staff to do so and then he grinned shyly "At least I can see she eats well and has nothing wrong with her GIT". A good personality means a lot. 

A person's pet is part of their family. If I have to pay for a vet bill I want to make sure I get excellent bedside manners in addition to someone who genuinely cares and is knowledgable.

I spent the afternoon at my parents visiting. When I returned home my husband was home. We scarfed down our dinner and packed up for hockey.

This week my team played first, it was a fun game even though we lost 2-0.  I time kept my husband's game. His team won 3-1 and he said he lots of fun which is most important. 

Sunday was a write off, I had a bad headache and I laid around all day.  (I now realize that this headache was a sign of things to come...) We had a small roast beef that I didn't take pictures of. 

That sums up our weekend!

EDIT:  My dog is doing MUCH better!  It's nice to see this vet is listening and helping her!

Liebster Award!

So thanks to Lisa over at Butterflies and Hurricanes, I have been nominated for a Liebster Blog Award!!!

Here are the Rules:

- Each person tagged must post 11 things about themselves.

- They must also answer the 11 questions the tagger has set for them.

- They must create 11 more questions to ask bloggers they have decided to tag.

- They must then choose 11 bloggers to tag with less than 200 followers.

- These lucky bloggers must be told.

- There are NO TAG BACKS.


11 things about myself:

  1. I married my bestest friend
  2. I talk to my parents every night on the phone; they are also two of my best friends.
  3. I wish I could sing and play the guitar
  4. I wish I could go back in time and meet my Dad’s parents.
  5. I am VERY competitive when it comes to Scattergories.  Even if there is supposedly an unbiased judge, they get yelled at, threatened…
  6. I am addicted to really bad reality TV.  I can’t help it, it’s like crack.
  7. I have a donut addiction and over the years I may have purchased a dozen donuts and ate them all by myself in one sitting.
  8. As much as I love Christmas I sometimes get flashes of sadness as I miss the excitement I used to have as a child.
  9. I have the world’s awesomest cousins.
  10. I wish I could speak Polish and Ukrainian.
  11. I truly believe my house is haunted. ( A blog to come in the next few days…)
Questions from Lisa:

1. If you could do high school over again, what would you do differently?

I would have tried out for cheerleading; I always wanted to but was too chicken. 

2. What is your favorite movie?

It’s a Wonderful Life

3. If you could live in any state, which one would you choose?


4. Who is your favorite band or artist?

It’s a tie: The Rolling Stones, Gordon Lightfoot and Christina Aguilera

5. What is your favorite holiday and why?

Christmas, followed closely by Hallowe’en.  I think the family, the décor, the food, the tradition, the love…  I can keep going J

6. If you could marry anyone who would it be?

I already married him … aww…but seriously, it’s true.

7. If you were on a deserted island what 3 things would you want with you?

Books, I feel naked without them; waterproof matches; a tarp.

8. What one store would you max out your credit card?

Betsey Johnson

9. Do you have a favorite sports team?

Toronto Maple Leafs

10. What is your favorite animal?


11. What is your favorite dessert?

Surround me in anything sweet and decadent and I am a happy, happy girl.  But let’s say Boston Pizza’s Maple Blondie that they no longer make.  *Shakes fist!


Questions for my Nominees:

  1. Cat or dog person?
  2. Favourite comfort food?
  3. Favourite TV show?
  4. Favourite Christmas gift ever and why?
  5. If you could meet any celebrity in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
  6. What is your favourite way to spend a Friday night?
  7. What the item on your Bucket List you would most love to accomplish?
  8. What song has the most meaningful lyrics to you and why?
  9. If you could go anywhere on vacation where would it be?
  10. If you could learn a new language what would it be?
  11. Ghosts: Real or figments of the imagination?

Challenge Accepted

Sick. Sick. Sick.

Hello loyal readers.  I am really sorry for it must seem like I have abandoned you, fear not!  It was not of my choice!  I was locked up and under a hideous spell of a nasty flu virus and sinus infection, both of which still plague me, but after four days I have fought off their most dangerous restraints and am on my way of becoming victourious.  Their nastiest of spells had left me bed ridden for the last three days with a fever of 101F.  Not fun.  The chills that accompany them are cruel as you feel you will never be warm again but I was informed my skin was scalding.  I couldn’t move, I had to sit and rest at the bottom of the stairs anytime I went for a drink from the kitchen, one flight was draining.  Thanks to my antibiotic, the sinus infection is losing it’s battle and my head no longer feels like it weighs 500 pounds.  I am the Kleenex queen!  … still.  Oh and lets not forget my throat in all it’s mucusy glory, now has me sounding like a 90 year old man who has chained smoked all his life; sexy, I know.  I do however; still have a ragged cough which has pulled all of my stomach muscles.  Coughing now hurts not only my throat, but my stomach feels as if I am being ripped open by a knife.  At least a cough you can sort of feel it coming on and you can brace yourself and hold your stomach.  Sneezing is the worst as sometimes those little bastards come on by surprise and result in agony from the Ahh to the Choo. 

Woe is me.

I made it through last night with a full night’s sleep which leads me to believe that the fever has finally broken!  Ah ha!  Success! 

I have dropped 3 pounds as I had zero appetite but kept forcing myself to drink as my doctor said I had to stay hydrated.  I also like to picture my body's little anti-bodies, refueling to take charge against the battle of the germs, burning my resources.  Lucky for them I have lots of resources!!!  Not the way I would like to choose a weight loss but I will take what I can get.  I am starting to be able to taste again so look out food, here I come!

I was going to miss hockey this week as they do not have a game scheduled this weekend, but now I don’t mind as I would have had to miss it regardless as I still get winded doing a flight of stairs so an hour hockey game would have been out of the question.  No wild Hallowe’en parties either, bah. 

Anyone have any exciting Hallowe’en plans this evening?

Friday 19 October 2012

Hallowe'en Movies

Depending on the time of year, I select my reading materials and movie watching to coincide, if it’s Hallowe’en all of my reading materials and movie selections are themed Hallowe’en. Obviously, the Universal Monsters are amazing, and I love to get a chance to see them whenever I can.  I have a few other favourite Hallowe’en movies I try to watch every year:

Hocus Pocus - Ever since I was a wee one, I have had a fear of witches. More specifically green, evil witches, I watched The Wizard of Oz once when I was seven and have yet to watch it again. Let’s be frank, witches still scare me. Hocus Pocus is essentially a child’s movie, but I am not going to lie, it still creeps me out. I remember seeing Hocus Pocus for the first time at the movie theatre with a group of friends; I have watched it yearly ever since. “A muck! A muck! A muck!” SJP is in it and she is hilarious as are Bette Middler and the other sister…
The Rocky Horror Picture Show - I have watched this movie every year since I was 15 and discovered it Hallowe’en on Much Music. I am not normally into alien themed movies but the music, the creepiness – how can one not love it?!

The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr.Toad - A few years ago, my husband surprised me with a DVD, Disney’s “The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr.Toad”. It is the 1949 cartoon, Hallowe’en duo narrated by Mr. Bing Crosby. As you may or may not know, I am a HUGE Bing Crosby fan. White Christmas is my second favourite movie of all time, and my second favourite Christmas movie of all time. I can listen to Bing sing Too Ra Loo Ra Loo Ra, and When Irish Eyes Are Smiling on end for hours. Therefore, this DVD was right up my alley: my favourite crooner AND Hallowe’eny AND I love classic Disney. (Not going to lie, this carton also creeps me out a bit, I have the over active imagination of a five year old.)
Watch it.  Love it.

Do you have a favourite Hallowe'en movie?

Thursday 18 October 2012

Ghost Tours

I have always loved all things paranormal.  When I was a kid in school, the projects I didn’t do on Wolves I tried to do on ghosts.  Luckily for me, my husband also loves spooky, ghostly tales! As we are surrounded by amazing historical spots, it’s not hard to find a spooky fun ghost tour. Some of these tours are a bit pricey (check out and other deal sites, we found Niagara Falls Ghost Tours on last year!) and some of them can get very busy around Hallowe’en, but if you can afford to go, they tend to be historical, educational and creepy! They will make for an interesting and eerie way to spend the evening! Some of the following run all year or all summer as well as October. Check out the websites for more details!

Hubby and I went on the Haunted Hamilton Tour of Niagara-on-the-Lake and of the Hermitage Ruins. Both tours were lead by a guide dressed in period costume and with creative characters and voices for the stories we were told along the tour. The Niagara-on-the-Lake tour was through the streets, the Hermitage Ruins was through a conservation area (hard to navigate if you are with a cane or a walker) For both the Niagara-on-the-Lake and the Hermitage Ruins walk we had very convincing and wonderful guides who were both amazing in their characters that we were immensely entertained!

My husband and I also went on the Niagara Ghost Walk of Niagara Falls, it too was lead by a guide in character, it was interesting as a lot of the history steamed from the early 1900’s where the other two tours we went on were based more around the 1800’s.

As you will see from Haunted Hamilton’s website they have quite a few interesting tours, we have always meant to go back when they have a special event at the Scottish Free Masonry building in Hamilton as it looks like a spectacular old building and I would love to hear the creepy stories it must have. I have also always wanted to go on the Drummond Hill Cemetery Tour in Niagara Falls but have yet to as it only runs in October it’s harder to plan!

We have yet to ever see anything paranormal on the tours, but it’s fun to go and anticipate seeing something …

Wednesday 17 October 2012


There is something so invigorating about discovering where you came from. To learn of the people whose actions brought you to where you were born. Every choice, of every past family member essentially brings you to this place in time.  It’s overwhelming and exhilarating to think of.  I love researching my families' history; it’s a great project for those who have insatiable curiosities, right up this Nancy Drew Wannabe’s alley!  This is without a doubt, one of the most addictive projects I have ever embarked on. I love to find out the information for my parents, my grandparents, my sisters, my (future) children, and most selfishly, myself.  There are times where I will come home for work, turn on the computer, start researching and then next thing I know it’s midnight and my eyes are stuck open, I have to pry myself away.  It's addicting and SO REWARDING!!!  I loved seeing my grandparents’ faces when I presented them both with copies of their parent’s marriage certificates, I loved seeing my Dad’s face when I showed him the passenger list of the ship his father came to Canada on, and I really loved telling my Mom she was related to royalty when I traced her family back to 853AD: to present your family with the gift of their history is a great gift.  A fascinating history story, your OWN history. 

I am overly emotional sometimes and try to place myself in my ancestor's footsteps. How scared and excited my Grandfather must have been to board that boat and venture off to a new world. How happy and nervous my great-grandparents were on their wedding days, to sign their marriage certificates:  Did they marry their best friends?  Were they madly in love?  Treasures that remained hidden for so long, brings these mystery people to life...

Here’s how I research my family history:

Pick a time of year that you can devote a big chunk of time to this project; I initially started my project during the winter time when I wasn’t able to enjoy the outdoors for long periods of time. The only tool you really need is a computer, a family tree book is incredibly interesting to try and fill in, but it is not necessary. I would strongly recommend creating yourself a free new email address, preferably without your name in the email address, for ancestry research solely as you may come across forums that you may want to ask questions on, but you will may want to be selective who you are in contact with.  (Use an alias if it makes you feel safer!  Plus it adds to the detective vibe!)  You may find you will get a lot of emails from forums.

It is so much easier to start your research while you are young and while your senior relatives are still with you, as the first step to any ancestral research is to sit down with a family member: grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles: anyone who can give you the names of past family members. Always, always, always get as many names as possible. You will find sometimes the only way you will be able to proceed is to have the names of siblings of grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. So often family names are passed down and it may be hard to follow a person back. If for instance there are 5 John Smiths listed in a search find, if you know the John Smith you are looking for had a sister named Bertha, this could be very helpful in narrowing down which John Smith you are looking for when going through Census and other documents. I would have loved to have owned a voice recorder for this stage, or even a video camera, if you have one, use it! How great to keep a documented copy of your conversation with your grandparent (s) and so often they will lapse into a great story of their childhood that you will want to hold onto forever.

I found the most helpful website to start with is You can do a FREE 2 week trial of their CANADIAN membership with a valid credit card. (Just make sure to cancel the membership at the end of the 2 weeks as they will then charge you! Also this is why I mentioned make sure to pick a time of year when you can devote your time to research.) This is hands down the most informative website and if you are one of the lucky ones, you may discover a distant relative also using who has pictures or who can help further your research. The St. Catharines Public Library has FREE access to (you do NOT need a library card!) and you are able to use for free from their location, in addition to the Canadian membership, they also have the WORLD membership. The only thing is, they don’t have the license for to view other users’ family trees so you may miss out on pictures etc. But at least you can have access to government records. The library’s historians are super helpful and informative and will show you old newspaper clippings, obituaries, cemetary records, that they have for the area.

Depending on where your family is from you can look at local governments to see if you can find exciting documents that may be made available to the public. Some of my family is from New Brunswick and their province has a fantastic archives website that allows you to look at scanned copies of birth, marriage and death certificates.

I could keep going on, but once you start researching it will grow and you will discover more websites and forums that may benefit you!  Happy hunting!


Tuesday 16 October 2012

Family Hallowe'en Parties

A few years back, we started having huge family costume parties under the ruse of my sister’s birthday, but really, it was a family Hallowe’en party with all of our aunts and uncles and cousins.  My Mom’s siblings are all very close (my Dad is an only child) which in turn all of our cousins were close.  Over the years as the family grew, we don’t get to see each other as much.  These Hallowe’en parties were extra-added fun as it was a guaranteed way to see most of our family at least once a year, as our stand by family reunions, Christmas is busy with in-laws and extra family commitments, where we don’t always end up at my Grandparents’ house at the same time.    

When I lived at home with my parents’ I compiled a huge Hallowe’en décor collection.  I was frivolous with my pay cheques as soon as Hallowe’en stuff started to appear in stores.  (Seriously, I once had to leave Walmart as my shopping cart was so full I couldn’t fit anything else in it, even though I wanted to keep shopping.)  We would use all of these decorations and plaster my parents’ living room, kitchen and bathrooms with spooky spectacles.  Of course, as we are photographers at heart, we designed a photo backdrop in the foyer so people could have a stellar photo…. 

Foyer Photo Back Droop
We had spooky and gross treats: Dirt cake, Dracula’s brew, Spirit Pop... 

The pumpkin on the back of the toilet is easily 35 years old, we don't throw anything out!

We had a costume contest for most creative, cutest and scariest.  Everyone got to vote.  Everyone dressed up!  There were a lot of creative juices flowing, my one cousin was the defending champion of most creative: The first year she came as a fly paper, and the following year she came as a urine sample.  It was hysterical. 

Eventually we stopped having the parties, as they were a lot of work.  But, I miss them ... man were they were fun!

Sisters and their men...

Let me tell you about how I met my husband: my younger sister introduced us.  She had met him through mutual friends and after getting to know him, she came home and declared, “This guy would be perfect for you.” At the time, I just shrugged it off.  Eventually she had us meet and the rest was history.  Who better to pick out the man I am going to spend the rest of my life with then my sister/best friend?!  She has known me her whole life, (my sister is three years younger then me) I in turn don’t remember much of my life before her birth.  We shared a room up until I was 16 and she was 13.  We know each other’s flaws as well as many attributes.  We know how the other thinks.  We know how to argue with each other.  (Excuse me, I can’t see you, I have a spoon in my eye.) We worked together for three years and learned that we both have similar, strong work ethics.  She calls herself a princess, but she is not a slouch and does things for herself, never waiting for someone to do it for her. (More likely because she is as impatient as the day is long.  And stubborn. Ha!... Ok, I might be those as well…)
So wouldn’t it make sense for me to pick out her man?  This time I did, or at least I am taking full credit for it as I put my stamp of approval on this situation back about a year ago.  Last year I signed up for my first season of hockey (remember that time I play hockey?)  In my rookie year, I was placed on a team with four other rookies.  While I enjoyed playing with all my teammates and fellow rookies, one guy stood out in particular.  First off, he was single, he was a good-looking guy and he was super nice. We ended up being line mates for a while.  He was a great team player and always was grinning on the bench.  I started to nag my sister “He’s so nice, you should date him.” “He’s too cute, you should date him.”
They did start dating!  Finally, after questionable decisions when it comes to men, my sister finally found a good one!  (Garbage Picker PSA: Ladies, don’t date dickheads.  You deserve better!)  Not many people/things warrant a tribute by me in my blog, so know this, this guy is awesome and I am glad he makes my sister incredibly happy.  He is also a loyal reader and requested a blog update…   :P

Weekend Round Up

I apologize to my loyal reader for not updating sooner.  :P

Caution: Incredibly lame and boring update!

I have been pretty boring lately and didn’t achieve much this weekend in the baking/cooking department.  Our weekend was pretty boring:


When we got home from work on Friday, we took a look at the weather forecast for the weekend, as it was suppose to rain all weekend, we decided to tackle the yard before dinner. I mowed the lawn and my husband planted a funky tree we got from our neighbour. Our grass was pretty tall as it seemed like the last few weekends were raining, so we kept putting the mowing off. By the time I was done the mowing, it was so cold I could see my breath. We went inside and tucked into a nice bowl of warm, reheated chilli. (I love freezing meals!) We lounged on the couch and watched TV.

Saturday we awoke to a deep frost on the car and the lawn, I am glad we mowed the lawn the night before! My husband went to work early so when I got up, I went grocery shopping. I bought our pumpkins for Hallowe’en, they were on for $0.88 this past weekend at Food Basics, they are rather small but the price was right so I grabbed three. I love carving pumpkins! I worked out and then we got ready for hockey that night.

The hockey games were all right, both my team and my husband’s teams won.

Sunday I was in bed most of the day due to a headache caused by an elbow to the head during my hockey game Saturday. The weather was really warm. We had a small ham and mashed potatoes for dinner. I didn’t do anything exciting to them so there is no recipe, sorry folks!

Thursday 11 October 2012

My Fitness Pal - MFP

As my husband and I got new Iphones this past weekend, I decided to give My Fitness Pal (MFP) a whirl. Once I finally got Thanksgivingand my sister’s birthday out of the way, I figured today would be the day I start MFP. I have been utilizing an MS Excel spreadsheet as a food journal/calorie counter for the past year, and while it totally does the job and I have all of my research linked in, it falls to the way side on weekends as I am not usually on the computer all weekend long. This leaves my diet to struggle in a downward spiral of a rampant, food orgy, as I seem to throw all accountability to the way side as I stuff my face with everything around me.

Now as I mentioned earlier my Excel spreadsheet has links to many websites listing food calories and websites showing calories burnt; I have many of my regularly consumed foods’ calorie counts memorized (plus a handy little reference sheet I keep imbedded in my spreadsheet) and benefits of certain exercises, but this has taken a year to accumulate. I enjoy that MFP has all of the information right there, or I should say most of the info I need. I enjoy that you can scan a barcode of the item you are eating and enter it into MFP. That’s super handy. As I will always have my phone with me, I have no excuse to not account for what I eat.

One huge plus for the MFP, it allows you to enter recipes. While I could sit down and work out a recipe with my spreadsheet, this was far more enjoyable using MFP, and I dare say, quicker.  It stores the recipe for you which I find great as chances are, I will be making said food again.
Like my graphic?  I made it myself to spice things up.  LOVE Hallowe'en!!!
1. If I don’t exercise I treat that day as a free for all. Why? I don’t know, I know it’s self destructive, but I can’t seem to break it. Perhaps playing with MFP as a new toy will help inspire me to clean my act up. I am far better at eating healthy when I have worked out that day, it’s like I don’t won’t to erase all of the good work I just did exercising by stuffing my face with crap.

2.I need to keep track of my calories; I know this doesn’t work for some people. However, I am a numbers person. I have to see what I have eaten or else it’s a free for all, I like keeping track.

So now, I am back on track. I have nothing huge coming up in the future that requires large copious amounts of food until we hit Christmas, so this means I have to will be on my best behaviour between now and December. Well except, there is Hallowe’en and those cursed little chocolate bars; they are always so fresh, sweet, and delicious and … *wipes drool from chin. Bah.

P.S. I apologize for bouncing back and forth with exercise updates and fatty recipes, this is my on going struggle in my head.... bah. Must workout! Must!


My Sister's Bday

Yesterday was my younger sister's birthday! We have been celebrating her birthday all week long, as that's how she rolls, and yesterday being her actual birthday, was the icing on the cake. (Fitting no?)  After a wild night last Friday, which included a visit to two different bars, last night was very low key; our immediate family, her awesome new man, cake and presents.

My Mom cooks us our birthday dinners still, she is the best cook and last night she did not disappoint.  We had homemade marinara sauce, linguini, cesar salad, sausage and yummy garlic bread,.  Birthday cake and two types of ice cream finished off the meal.  I didn’t feel like ice cream but I am always in the mood for cake so this was a highlight for me!


My younger sister is one of my best friends and she is the tits.  Love this girl!!!  You better be reading this!  I hope you had a wonderful birthday and an amazing year!!!  Love you!

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Oatmeal Crumble Apple Pie

This is a simple pie recipe and you can’t mess it up, it’s also good if you aren’t a big fan of crust as you only have the bottom crust to worry about. The only thing that takes any amount of time is the peeling and slicing of apples, if you have a buddy to help you it goes quickly!

You need:
Frozen Pie Crust (or make one homemade, don’t let my inability to master pastry deter you!)
Filling Ingredients:

6 Apples (MacIntosh apples are most commonly used for pie, but go crazy and use different kinds if you so desire. I used Red and Delicious as they were on sale!)
¼ Cup of Brown Sugar (You can use White Sugar but I love the taste of the Brown)

1 Tbsp of Lemon
1 Tbsp of Cold Butter (Chop/break into small, pea-sized pieces)

1 Tsp of Cinnamon (You could go crazy and add 2 Tsp)
Oatmeal Topping Ingredients:

2 Tbsp of butter
1 Tsp of Cinnamon

¼ cup of Brown Sugar
¼ cup of Quick Oats

Preheat Oven to 325F.

Peel, core and slice apples in thin, uniform pieces. (Not too uniform, you want this pie to look rustic so don’t be pulling out a ruler and measuring each slice.) SAVE YOUR PEELS on a separate cookie sheet. You can dry them out in the oven later and they make for a sweet, chewy snack! Waste not want not AND healthy! Right up this cheapskate’s alley! Do NOT worry if your apples start to too brown, they will turn even browner once coated in the mixture and you won’t even notice! They won’t hurt you!
Save your peels!  Bake them and save for snack!
Add apple pieces to a bowl.

Add Brown Sugar, Lemon Juice, Butter (Chop/break cold butter into tiny pieces.) and Cinnamon. Stir until apples are evenly coated with mixture.
Add apples to prepared pie crust.
Don’t worry about using another bowl, why clean two? Use the same bowl from the apple mixture and add all of the topping ingredients. Stir with a fork and make sure to cut butter into the mixture, it should develop a crumbly texture.
Crumbly texture
Add oatmeal mixture to the top of the apples, spread across apples in even distribution. (Again, it doesn’t have to be perfect! The best part of apple pie is the more rustic, the more homemade it looks!)

I am big on preventing messes, line a cookie sheet with some tin fail and place pie pan on top of cookie sheet to bake. This prevents juice splatters in the event your pie is super juicy.

I do not like my pie crust too dark/overcooks so I will cover the edges of the pie crust with pieces of tin foil or I will cover the whole pie with a piece of tin foil for the first half of the baking. Remember to remove the tin foil as you do need a bit of heat to cook the outer crust.

Bake for about an hour or until the apples are fork tender.
Nom nom nom
Sorry no picture of a piece of pie, I wolfed it down too quickly to get a picture!

Bake your apple peels:
I bake my apple peels on 300 for about 45 minutes, watch that they don’t turn black, you want them red and crispy. You could flavour them with a bit of sugar, cinnamon and lemon juice but I like the taste of the apple peel by itself.  


Tuesday 9 October 2012

Sweet Potato Pecan Pie

I was given this pie recipe from a co-worker. He brought it to a potluck and I fell in love with it and proceeded to talk about it to everyone and anyone for the next month. It’s sweet and very rich. Think of it as a blend of 25% Pumpkin Pie meets 75% of Pecan Pie.

I roasted one very large Sweet Potato on 350F for about an hour the day before. The Sweet Potato was so large it looked like it would have filled 4 cups if chopped up fresh, but it shrinks when cooked. 4 cups of raw sweet potato must yield close to two cups when cooked. This was very helpful roasting the Sweet Potato a head of time, as I was able to start the pie immediately when I woke up. Moreover, Sweet Potatoes are super good for you as they are loaded with anti-oxidants: a delicious pie that can battle cancer, yes please! (It may however, put you into diabetic shock just by reading the ingredients…)

Sweet Potato Pecan Pie

This combination of two Southern favorites comes courtesy of the Dinosaur BBQ cookbook.

Dough for a one crust pie


· 2 cups cooked, mashed, sweet potatoes, about 1 lb.

· 3/4 cup sugar
· 2 large eggs, lightly beaten
· 1/2 tsp kosher or sea salt
· 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
· 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
· 1/4 tsp ground allspice
· 1/2 tsp vanilla
· 2/3 cup sweetened condensed milk

Pecan Topping
(I skipped this step and just added plain walnuts, I went to two stores to find pecans and then gave up.)
· 1 cup coarsely chopped pecans
· 2 eggs, lightly beaten
· 2 tbsp butter, softened
· 2 tsps vanilla
· 1/2 cup sugar

Sweet Topping

· 1/2 cup sugar
· 1/2 cup dark corn syrup (I used light as that was all I had)
· pinch kosher or sea salt
· 1/8 tsp ground cinnamon
  1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.
  2. Pick out a 9 by 1 1/4 inch pie pan. This is a bit deeper than normal to hold everything. Roll out one pie crust, fit it into the pie pan as directed, and chill it in the freezer until you’re ready for it. (I used a deep dish and I still had a lot of overflow, I think next time I make this I would split the fillings into two and make two smaller pies to prevent the waste.)
  1. Filling: Grab a big bowl and dump all the ingredients for the filling into it. Mix well and set the mixture aside.

      4. Pecan Topping: Take another bowl and throw all the ingredients for the pecan topping in to    
          it.  Stir together and set aside. (I skipped this step and just added plain walnuts)
      5.  Sweet Topping: Now take another bowl and throw all the ingredients for the sweet topping in  
           to it. Stir together and set aside.

      6.  Pull the pie shell out of the freezer and spoon in the pie filling. Smooth and even the surface.  Then pour the toppings over it. (PLACE THE PIE ON A TIN FOIL LINED COOKIE SHEET!!!  Trust me, you will thank me for it later!!!)     
      7.  Pop the pie in to the oven and bake for 1 1/2 hours or until the crust is golden and the filling is set.
Messy, messy, messy...
      8.  Cool the pie on a rack. Serve slices of pie at room temperature with a nice plop of sweetened whipped cream.
It was very easy to make and very quick if you roast the Sweet Potato a head of time. This pie is very messy if it overflows so be sure to place the pie plate on a cookie sheet, lined with tin foil, before you cook it!
Caution: Some people are big scaredy cats and flat out refused to try this pie, even thought they like pumpkin pie. This pie ended up being something like a pumpkin pie meets pecan pie, SO GOOD. My parents and I LOVED it; we were the only three to try it, that's fine MORE FOR US!!!