Monday 24 December 2012

Happy Christmas Eve!!!

Christmas Eve has long held the magic of Christmas for me.  I think I look forward to Christmas Eve more then the actual day itself.  As a small child I remember waiting up all night with such excited-ness, my Mom would try in vain to warm milk to help me sleep.  I couldn’t help it.  It was such a spectacular feeling.  We were very spoiled and blessed.  Looking back and knowing what I know now, money was very tight for my parents but teamed with Santa they spoiled us and created the most wonderful of childhood memories.  I couldn’t be more grateful. 

When my younger sister and I got a little bit older we and our parents created a Christmas Eve tradition that I LOVED.  We would go to Christmas Eve Mass and then come home and gorge on appetizers foods for dinner.  All while watching my beloved White Christmas.  My heart feels like it gets squeezed just thinking about it.  Over the years this has morphed into our Christmas sit down dinner with a turkey as we just got a wee bit too busy on Christmas Day.

One of my favourite Christmas Eves happened when I was very young.  The most memorable as it helped cement my belief in Santa for years to come, as I HEARD his reindeers’ sleigh bells.

When I was about 6, my Mom, my younger sister and I went to my grandparents’ house for a visit on Christmas Eve. My Dad stayed at home to hold down the fort, my older sister was at her Dad’s family’s Christmas for the night. It was early evening, I remember it being dark. My grandparents on my Mom’s side would make the biggest, most glorious feast for all of us on Christmas day. Their preparations would start weeks in advance with the most spectacular of baking: rocky roads, ginger snaps, fudge, lemon meringue pies, squares, numerous of other cookies and the most highly revered and fought after treat of them all: Cherry Dainties (think a little taste of heaven in your mouth). On Christmas Eve they would start a lot of the food-food ahead of time. And they cooked tons of food. (Well, with my family you would have to!)  Their cooking/baking is the most amazing food one will ever eat. In addition to the pies, squares, and cookies galore, there was the most divine of stuffings, fluffiest of potatoes, succulent of turkeys, juiciest of ham, sweetest dry garlic pork, heavenly meat pie, you name it, it was there; all seemingly touched by the hand of a culinary God. A feast fit for a king.

My grandparents have a second kitchen off their rec room in the basement where the Christmas festivities took place. Long tables ran down the whole of the rec room, a place for all the 30 or so of us at the time, aunts, uncles and cousins. My Mom headed into the kitchen to give my grandparents a hand and my younger sister and I sat in the rec room admiring my grandmother’s decorations. We were relaxing on the couch when we heard the very distinct sound of sleigh bells. Now, we did not see Santa, but we heard him. Hearing was all it took. This one defining moment helped confirm for years to come what I knew to be true. We, shocked as we were, as it was still early, flew into the kitchen where my Mom and grandmother were standing, mysteriously; my grandfather must have been upstairs. “MOM! Did you hear Santa’s bells?!!?!?” A small grin on her face “No, what are you talking about? We didn’t hear any bells.” I excitedly recapped what we had heard, my Mom and grandmother listening earnestly as I nearly exploded from my skin with excitement. Soon after, grandfather came down the stairs, his face shinning in his usual happy grin. (Happiest, most positive person alive, my grandfather he is) “GRANDPA! Did you hear Santa’s bells?!?!?!” His grin never waivered, “No, but I think I heard something up on the roof.”

Now my grandparents are thankfully still with us, as is the rest of my amazing family, I am truly blessed. They don't do the gigantic feast anymore because everyone drops in now throughout the day, more like an open house, they do however, still make the classics and beloved favourites. My younger sister told me she doesn’t remember the bells, she would have been too young. Regardless, I know wherever I go, whatever I do, I know I will remember the sound of those bells for the rest of my life.

I hope that wherever you are and what ever you have planned for this evening, I hope that a little Christmas Eve magic finds you!  Now if only if I could see a few flakes falling … that’s where the true magic lies! 

Wishing you and yours a very safe and Merry Christmas!!!

Somewhere in my memory
Christmas joys all around me
Living in my memory
All of the music-
All of the magic-
All of the family
Home... here with me

Sunday 23 December 2012

Alton Brown's Peanut Butter Fudge

Need another last minute, quick recipe for your baked good tray?  If you love peanut butter I highly recommend this fudge recipe.  SO FAST and it's really good!!!  I love a treat that has big impact taste wise but take minutes to make.  All simple ingredients, most likely you have them in your cupboard.

I recommend you use a large bowl as we lost part of the liquid in the microwave as it boiled over, but we still ended up with really good fudge. 

I wet my hands with cold water to press the fudge into place.

Six Sisters Saltine Cracker English Toffee

This recipe is AMAZING.  You love me and hate me for posting the link.  You will love me as they are ridiculously easy to make and SO GOOD.  You will hate me as they are SO GOOD and you will inevitably eat the whole pan.... oh wait, is that just me?  I brought some to my co-workers and they wolfed it down.  SO GOOD!!

They take minutes to make and taste like a Skor bar.  Honest to goodness.  You don't taste Saltine Cracker, it absorbs all of the toffee candy and trust becomes a vessel to hold the deliciousness.

Trust me.  Make These.  SO GOOD!!!

The Best Sugar Cookies

I can't take credit for this recipe.  I found it simply by typing in "Sugar Cookie Recipe" in a search engine.  These were AMAZING.  The best part about them lies in the comment  section, one lady recommended to roll the sugar cookies out using icing/powedered sugar instead of flour to "flour" your rolling surface and rolling pin.  This helps the cookies to maintain their sugar flavour instead of having extra flour added to them.  They are sweet and tasty little morsels.  I strongly urge if you are doing a rolled cookie to have a partner or two in crime as I stood rolling cookies for three hours by myself.  I should have talked my Mom or sister into helping me.  PS I love using parchment paper if I have it for any cookie, so much easier to get the cookies off the pan and no need to grease the pan.  Used parchment paper can be added to your compost!

So good!!!

Friday 21 December 2012

Weekend Round Up

My Weekend Recap is now officially late.  Sorry folks!  I am hoping once the holidays die down a bit I can get back to a regular schedule!

Friday night we got gussied up and headed to The World's Greatest Hockey Franchise’s Christmas Party. 

My husband and I picked up my sister and her man and headed off.  I love car-pooling!  The party gets started quicker!  And then you can talk about everyone on the ride home … (Did I just say that out loud?!?!  Haha!)  Luckily, we were in great company as the conversation was like “So and So are so awesome!  I love them!”  “Me too!”  We are like the super, psyched car poolers!

Once we got to the party, we hung out for a bit and chatted until the food was all there.  It was a potluck, I LOVE me some potluck.  Let me start off by saying, my hockey franchise knows how to cook!  I love trying a pile of different foods; you can get many great ideas.  Anyone who knows me knows how I love me a buffet!


This was so simple and tasty but the presentation made me very excited!

Our host made that meat, it was AMAZING

The Buffet: (I buffet like a champ, two heaping plates!)

Sushi!  Nom Nom Nom!
Bacon wrapped Water Chestnuts

I was in food heaven PS Those ribs were AMAZING, the meat fell right off the bone.

Mmmm… Dessert:  (I had two plates as well, diet?  What diet?!!)

Second serving of apple dip, that stuff was so addictive.
We finished up the evening with a Secret Santa stealing gift exchange.  (You know the one where you draw numbers to see who opens first and then you can steal a gift if you like it.)  I made out like a bandito and scored myself a one-hour photo session with a budding photographer.  The limit was supposed to be $20, I can’t freakin wait!  (Plus the girl who is the photographer is AWESOME!!! It will be so fun!)  In addition, my husband got an awesome hockey shirt, (Canadian Hat Trick - Goal, Assist, Penalty) which worked out great as it’s too small for him and really, he’s a goalie so the shirt doesn’t really pertain to him.  So I GOT THE TSHIRT!!!  Apparently I have become a jock, let’s just go with it people!

We had a lot of fun!  Great Food!  Great Peeps!  Great times!!
Saturday night we headed out to play hockey.  I SCORED A GOAL!!!!  We lost 2-1 but I SCORED A GOAL!!!  This is my third goal EVER!  Last year I had two goals for my whole winter season and I got zip my summer season.  As my sister is my teammate, we have an ongoing, fun, sibling rivalry of who scores the most goals.  She hasn’t scored a goal in almost two years, so there is a good chance I will be the highest scorer of the family for my second year in a row!!!  Let’s see if she gets a fire lit under her arse and puts my boasting to shame!!!  (Let’s go Buffalo Butt Breath!!! We use The Sandlot insults, as we are five apparently.) My husband’s team won I think 4-2.  It was a lot of fun!  As we had an early game we actually went out afterwards to the sports bar to see our teammates, there weren’t many who showed up but we had fun with the ones who did!!

Sunday was a shit storm.  We had tickets to see the Buffalo Bills in Toronto, due to illnesses and car problems, we missed out on going.  My husband is a Buffalo Bills fan and his Dad won him VIP Box tickets.  Now I am not a football fan in the slightest, but Gangham Style Psy was the half time show and I wanted SO BAD to see him.  In addition, apparently there was food in the VIP box and everything.  We suck and this did not work out as planned.  Ah well, maybe another time. 

That was our weekend!

Thursday 20 December 2012

Christmas Playlist

Can you tell I love Christmas?  Here are a few of my favourite Christmas songs.  Take a listen in case you need some ideas to spruce up your Christmas carol play list.

Bing Crosby – White Christmas 
Let’s be real, ANY Christmas Carol by Bing is top shelf.  This song gives me goosebumps.  It's my all time favourite.

Bing Crosby & David Bowie – Drummer Boy
I love a unique duet, and Bing's voice is so rich and smooth.  I love him.

Christina Aguilera – Silent Night/Noche De Paz
I feel she is the greatest vocalist of this generation.  The second last line make my hair stand up every time I heave this song.  

Christina Aguilera – Oh Holy Night
Love this song and this version is amazing.

Ella is amazing.  This song is sexy.

Ella Fitzgerald - Sleigh Ride

 I love her.

If there is a song to make me cry every time I hear it, it's this one.  "Somewhere in my memory, Christmas joys all around me, living in my memory, all of the music, all of the magic, all of the family home here with me..."

Bing Crosby & Frank Sinatra – Got Tell It On The Mountain
Tell me you don't want to clap your hands to this song.

Frank Sinatra – I’ve Got my Love to Keep Me Warm
I love big horns (that's what she said)

Frank Sinatra – Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Frank is such a sexy bastard, I love this song.

I want to get up and do a jig every time I hear this song.  

Trans Siberia Orchestra – Carol of the Bells
One word: Classic.

What are some of your favourite carols and versions? 

Sarah and Heather's Holiday Link Up


The lovely ladies over at are having a Christmas blog link up.  If it’s Christmas, you know I am all over it.  Some of it you already know about me, so just skip those parts.

What's your favorite holiday movie?

It’s a Wonderful Life.  This is also my favourite movie of all time.  My second favourite Christmas movie is White Christmas.  And it’s a close second!  You can read about all of my favourites right here:

Do you have any special traditions?

TONS.  AND I LOVE EACH AND EVERY ONE.  If I do it two years in a row, I consider it a tradition.  I love the baking, the decorating, the movie watching, the Candlelight Strolls!  I love Christmas Eve’s watching of White Christmas and opening one gift!  I love seeing my family on Christmas Day!

What's your favorite ornament or decoration?

I love them all so I think I will go with an oldie.  I have a sweet little stuffed bear in a slipper that Santa put in my stocking one year.  He still hangs on my tree.  

I also LOVE the seventies Santa candle that my Mom keeps trying to throw out and my younger sister and I pitch a fit if she tries.  He’s so cute.  So what his foot broke off, I painted the broken piece black so you can’t really tell he is missing his toes.  Don’t mess with my traditions!

Best gift you've ever received?

My engagement ring. 

Worst gift you've ever received?

How about my third blue housecoat?  I don’t even like blue.  My sister got a pink one, and I got a third blue one.  Buy me pink or red or black, just not blue.  I don’t need three housecoats either.

Favorite winter accessory?

I guess it would be my sparkly poinsettia pin, if it sparkles I am like a crow and I love it.

Real tree or fake?

REAL.  I always think it’s funny when people say they don’t like the needles.  We cut down our own tree so it’s fresh as fresh can be, and there are little needles dropped.  In addition, I hang fake garland, and that stuff is so messy.  You can’t tell me that fake trees don’t make a mess!

When and how did you find out that Santa was not real?

I was in grade four, so nine?  It was well after Christmas, a boy in my class said there was no Santa.  I started yelling and arguing vehemently, defending my beloved old man in red.  The boy actually looked scared.  I went home and indignantly told my Mom what the boy had said and how I told him off.  She took me to the bathroom and locked the door (so my younger sister wouldn’t pop in unexpectedly) and my Mom told me the whole truth.  I argued with her for a bit and told her I was going to count the gifts after she went to bed next year to see if any more were added while she was sleeping.  I think she gave up at that point.  Eventually I let what my Mom said sink in.  I was like a dog with a bone; I didn’t not want to give up my belief.

PS I still hold a grudge against that stupid, little boy for ruining my Christmas.  I bet you he grew up to be a big jerk as an adult too.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

My Favourite Thing About Christmas

Tuesdays I usually re-cap my weekend, but tonight, with the holiday nearly upon us, I am reminiscent of Christmases gone by.  I am thinking of how lucky I am to not only have amazing parents, siblings and an amazing husband but also my wonderful extended family.  My grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins are a big part of my world even if I don't get to see them as much as I would like.  As clichéd as it sounds, Christmas for me means being with my family.  Christmas Eve means my immediate family; Christmas Day means my extended family. 

My Dad was raised as an only child.  He had two siblings that both died as infants so while he was a middle child, he did not know his siblings.  My grandparents on my Dad’s side passed away long before I was born.  I wish I had had the pleasure of knowing them both. My Mom is the oldest of five and I have had the pleasure of having grown up very close to my Mom’s parents.  Not including the great, grand children, there are 12 cousins. Christmas for my family meant always going to my Mom’s parents’ Christmas Day.  When we were really young, my sisters and I would open Christmas gifts at home in the morning and then my parents would bundle us up with a new toy and off we would head to my Grandparents.  While the gifts were awesome, I think spending the day with my parents and sisters and getting to my see my grandparents and all of my Aunts, Uncles and cousins was the highlight of my day.  

We would arrive at my Grandparents for their late lunch, eagerly awaiting to see what our cousins scored from the big guy in red and to start our eating; and eating we did.  As soon as you walk into my Grandparents house you are greeted by the most heavenly aromas; the sweet smells of freshly baked pies, the warm smell of ginger from my grandmother’s ginger snaps, and the tantalizing aroma of the succulent turkeys.  My grandmother is the most AMAZING baker.  Every treat is not only baked to perfection, it’s cut nice and neat, so neat it would put Martha Stewart to shame. All of her treats are prepared in cute, dainty little servings.  AND THE TASTE IS HEAVENLY.   Rich, and buttery and sweet; the baked goods table always is a huge hit. She must have baked every day since Thanksgiving as the baked goods are piled to the ceiling.  The turkey, the ham; all juicy and melt in your mouth.  The sides range from potatoes, to stuffing, to dill potatoes, to dry garlic pork, to meatballs, to every veggie imaginable.  And then my Mom would arrive with cheesecake and gingerbread men, and my aunts and uncles with their decadent contributions. 

My Grandparents used to set up a few long tables running the length of their basement family room.  The room seemed to be incredibly long, (It’s funny how small it seems now that I am grown up.  I told my Grandmother that I think her basement shrunk.)  You had to squeeze your six-year-old arse past my aunts’ and uncles’ chairs to get to the prime spot: the coffee table at the end of the room with the TV and the Christmas tree.  This is where us cousins hung out.  Those hours we spent sitting at the coffee table, beneath my grandparents’ Christmas tree with my cousins, stuffing our faces were the best Christmases.  The sounds of Christmas all around us: my uncles with their big, distinct laughs teasing one another; my Grandmother shrieking as my Dad did something dirty to my Mom, (He was big on grabbing her butt in front of her Mom, much to my Mom’s dismay and much to my Grandmother’s great sense of humour’s delight).  My aunts would be chatting and my Grandfather would sit quietly watching his brood enjoy themselves with a tired grin on his face.  All the while us cousins talked about Santa’s treasures he bestowed upon us and my cousin teaching my younger sister how to stretch a real burp into a really long burp.  (Funny, my Mom never appreciated this sharing of wisdom.) The coffee table was never forced upon us to eat at; there was no “kid” table per see.  The cousins just all naturally congregated there.  There was no fighting, no yelling, EVERYONE got along.  I think that is impressive.  I never wished for more siblings when growing up, but I now I wish for a pile of cousins for my children one day. 

Most every Christmas, one of my uncles would pull out a guitar.  All of my uncles are very musical.  My Grandfather might sing and his little brother might stop by, (they look like twins even though they are a few years apart) my Great Uncle brought a harmonica at least one year and accompanied my uncles. Sometimes my Grandmother would sit and sing too, she loves to sing.  She has since learned to play the guitar too.  My grandparents are awesome.

Now that we are older, my Grandparents don’t do a formal sit down meal.  It’s more of an open house, everyone stops by when they can, coming from and going to in-laws and such.  My husband and I are very fortunate as his parents live right around the corner from my grandparents.  We visit with his family for a few hours and then we head off to my grandparents for a few hours.  We both get to do our family traditions and don’t have to drive for hours in between, we got very lucky!!!  My grandparents don’t put on the spread that they used to either, just a few nibblies, and of course the baked goods are still piled to the ceiling.  While I miss the good ol’ days of being spoiled by Santa and then heading to my Grandparent’s and eating ALL day long with some of my most favourite people: I still get a taste of the greatest treat of all every Christmas Day. 

Thursday 13 December 2012

Potato Pancakes

My Dad’s father was from Poland and my Dad had learned how to make his potato pancakes from his Dad.  We didn’t get a chance to have them often growing up as they take some time and are fried with a bit of oil so they were considered a treat to save our arteries.  I was going to be all interesting like and Wikipedia ethnic potato pancakes names and list them as if I knew what I was talking about, the funny thing is, if you Wikipedia “potato pancakes” it gives a list of about twenty different countries and each of their respective names.  I didn’t want to list them all so you can read them here:  I knew that many Eastern European countries make potato pancakes, or a slight variation there of, I guess I didn’t realize that EVERY Eastern European country has a variation of these tasty little devils. 

This is how my family makes their potato pancakes, I changed it up and instead of shredding the potatoes by hand (super time consuming) I did them in the blender like my co-worker does.  It's the same great taste, but a smooth texture.  Super easy and easier clean up.

You need:

  • 6 medium potatoes – Scrub well.  I leave the peel on because 1.  I am lazy and 2. I am cheap, why waste the peel when you can eat it?!?  Oh and  3. The peel is the healthiest part for you.  Cut into 1/4s.

  • 1 medium onion – Peeled.  Cut into 1/4s. (I used a red onion as it was all I had.)

  • 1 clove of garlic - Peeled

  • 1 egg

  • ½ cup of flour

  • ¼ of Canola Oil or Olive Oil (Or if you are really bad use bacon grease, but I didn’t say that!)


  • Dump everything into the blender.  (Except the oil, and crack your egg first!) SO MUCH EASIER THEN SHREDDING AND CHOPPING BY HAND!!!

  • Blend/Chop until a smooth consistency.

  • Heat your frying pan.  Medium high.
  • Add oil and heat for just a few seconds.
  • Spoon pancake mixture into the hot pan, make them whatever size you like. 

    • Watch for them to turn slightly brown on the edges and bubble in the centre.
    • Flip and finish cooking for about few minutes more.  (You want them nice and golden brown and crispy.)
    Serve with sour cream, bacon, or fried onions.  Whom am I kidding, serve with all three!
    SO GOOD!!!    


    Wednesday 12 December 2012

    To Do

    I am bloody tired.  I feel like I start a lot of my entries off with that statement.  But it’s true.  Right now we are watching the 12/12/12 concert for Sandy relief.  Jon Bon Jovi is a sexy mofo, same with Bruce Springsteen. 

    I planked today for the one minute and seven second mark and I thought I was going to die.  How the heck do the Mama Laughlin ladies get up to 3 minutes?!!?!  That's crazy.  Tomorrow is a minute and a half, shoot me now!   And 70 squats, this is just crazyiness, who created these challenges?  And why was I crazy enough to do them? 

    I need a day to do absolutely nothing.  No workouts, no hockey, no work, no To Do List.  I can’t wait for the holidays.  Every year I try to save up some vacation days to team up with the Public Holidays.  This year I will have 12 days off in a row including the two weekends!!!  I can’t freaking wait!!! We have lots of things planned but I hope we get a few days to do absolutely nothing!!!

    Here are a list of things I have to remember to do in the next two days (Does not include my Work To Do List):

    • Bake Tolberone cheesecake for our hockey franchise Christmas party
    • Wrap our gifts for the gift exchange for our hockey franchise Christmas party
    • Change the furnace filter
    • Pluck my eyebrows
    • Put a second coat of “Rule This Yule” Red nail polish on my toes
    • Figure out my parents’ GPS for them
    • Dye my sparkley greys
    • Maybe go crazy and paint my fingers as well

    In the next week I have to:

    • Finish my Christmas shopping
    • Finish my gift wrapping
    • Bake something for our hockey league’s Christmas party

    So this is not really a blog entry, it’s more of a typed To Do List.

    I should probably vacuum at some point as the carpet is plastered with cat and dog fur.  Awesome.  But at least the fur is clean fur.  It’s true, my furry babies are clean.

    And don’t get me started on my To Do List for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

    I am excited though.  I love this time of year.



    Yep, that’s right, we are scheduled to have a White Christmas!!!  It’s about freakin time.  The last two Christmases were green which sucks.  I don’t know how people in the south go without snow at Christmas, to me that’s half the magic.

    I will leave you with my favourite Christmas Carol: Bing Crosby’s White Christmas

    Tuesday 11 December 2012

    Weekend Round Up

    Oh boy I am tired.  I have been busy, busy, busy.  We just finished our gym membership. It was getting to be too much so we decided to quit for now.  We will join again next year some time, hopefully after the New Year’s Resolution craze dies down after March. Until then I will be having my morning dates with Jillian and maybe taking advantage of our local Zumba classes.

    This weekend started off on Friday night as we headed out to celebrate my sister’s awesome new man’s birthday.  We headed to a restaurant and hung out for a few hours with some awesome peeps.  It was good food, good peeps, good times.

    Saturday morning my plans to go to the NOTL Christmas Parade were rained out, so I stayed home and watched three of my favourite Christmas Movies: All I Want for Christmas, Polar Express and Elf (for the second time this season!).  It was a lazy day, and I needed it.  I did however; get some of my Christmas gifts wrapped.  I was feeling extra festive.

    We headed out to hockey that evening and my husband’s team won 4-3.  It would have been 4-2 but my husband scored on himself, which was highly amusing to everyone.  He is a good sport and I think he laughed the hardest over it.  My team worked really well together and won 4-2.  It was a lot of fun!

    Sunday I woke up and I was feeling the baking itch.  I have to be in the mode to bake and the last few years I didn’t feel like baking so much as we are so busy at Christmas.  I made thumb print squares, which are like lemony shortbread with jam.  I accidently over filled some of the thumbprints with jam and it ran across some of the squares.  I like my baking to look good when I give it to people so we are keeping most of these messy, bad boys to ourselves.


    Then I tackled rolled out sugar cookies. Rolling out cookies by yourself seems to take forever.  I baked my last cookie after about three hours worth of work and I was exhausted.  Then of course, I had to sample some!


    My husband and I curled up and watched It’s a Wonderful Life, which is not only my favourite Christmas movie, but it’s also my favourite movie of all time.

    It was a busy weekend but it was fun!  Next weekend be even more crazy busy!  Can’t wait to tell you all about it!

    I apologize about the pictures, blogspot gave me a heck of a time posting them and then they kept bouncing around.  bah.

    Saturday 8 December 2012

    Christmas Around My House

    Sorry to make you all wait so long!  I got up nice and earlyish to take my pictures just for you guys!

    I have collected ornaments for as long as I remember, and after high school I worked in a china/antique store with lots of collectibles that we were able to buy at cost.  My collection is quite extensive, in fact, this year I only put out half my stuff as it's a little much in our smallish house.  As you will soon be able to see, both my husband and I LOVE traditional and rustic Christmas decor!!!  (Let's be frank, I love any Christmas decor, but my main love is the traditional.)

    I hope you all enjoy!!!

    I like to decorate in the bedroom, this way I can open my eyes and feel Christmas-y right away.  (We all know I am a nerd, just go with it :P)
    And I like to have a few little decorations in the bathroom.  Why not?  We spend a lot of time in there! ha!
    I can't have real pointsettias in the house with the pets, so I bought these fake ones at a garage sale this past summer.  I don't like fake flowers but these are pretty realistic!
    My house is almost a hundred years old, we like the shabby sheek look, emphasis on the shabby part!  ha!
    Our cute little Salt and Pepper shakers hold court on the back of our stove.
    This guy keeps the Salt and Pepper shakers company in the kitchen.  Snowmen in the kitchen!
    Downstairs powder room


    We do a live tree every year.  This tree is a little rustic and uneven, but I think it adds to it's charm.  All of those ornaments on the floor are to create a baracade to prevent the dog from racing around under the tree.  So far it works...
    Dollar store icicles - I like 'em
    Mix in some oldies but goodies - I have had this piece since I was at least 5.
    Mixed in some newer gifts
    Mixed in a few oldies from Santa
    Mixed in some rustic looking newer stuff
    When my awesome Mother in Law offered me her ceramic tree, I jumped for it!  My Mom has the IDENTICAL tree.  My younger sister and I would insert it's little decor every year together.  As we grew older we would wonder who would get the tree as we both loved it.  Now I have my own so my sister can have my Mom's  :)  What are the chances?
    My husband bought me this sign two years a go as I LOVE It's a Wonderful Life.  I actually keep it out all year long!
    I love this piece.  I bought it at Winners years ago.  It's almost two feet tall.  I love the colours.
    One final touch ~ Dollar store acrylic snowflakes hanging off our dinning room chandeler.